Parent & Caregiver Participation
Parents and caregivers are a child’s first and most important teacher and a valued part of the team at First United Church Nursery School. Teachers and parents build a partnership grounded in open and frequent communication in support of each child’s day-to-day school experience.
Open-Door Policy
Throughout the year parents are welcomed as classroom volunteers or visitors. Parent-teacher conferences are held in the fall and spring. These are opportunities for teachers and parents to share insights about the child and to agree on goals for the coming months. But we don’t wait for conference time to communicate. Communication takes place on a regular basis through email messages, notes of news from school and one-on-one conversations.
Family Events
We consider nursery school an experience for the whole family – not just the preschool-age child. Planned family events during the school year include:
Fall ice cream socials
December Christmas parties
Dad’s Night and Mom’s Night at school
Winter family entertainment event
End of the year sing-along
Our FUNS parent volunteers are a dynamic, fun group who put their time, energy and heart into helping our school community thrive. We have various opportunities that will work for your schedule. Our volunteers serve as room parents, share other talents through our Board of Directors, and help us fundraise through events and giving campaigns.
Room Parents
Rooms Parents support their classroom teachers, recruit volunteers for special events, celebrate their teachers and build community among classroom families.
Board of Directors
The School Board of Directors has fifteen members, composed of school parents and church members. Interested parents are invited each year to serve on the Board. Others are invited to serve as Room Parents. There are also a number of ways to volunteer to be a part of fundraising activities which is a great way to meet other parents and to participate as part of the school community.
Our fundraisers not only generate revenue for the school but they do something even more important…they help to create community. Parent volunteers have the opportunity to give back to the school and to meet and make new friendships – some that last a lifetime! Throughout the school year, our Board of Directors presents many exciting and unique fundraisers in an effort to keep tuition costs down and raise monies for our tuition assistance program. Here is an overview of our offerings:
Donut Day at the Oak Park Farmer’s Market
Trivia Night
Happy Face shirt and product sale
Winter children’s entertainment event
*Eat and Earn at local restaurants
Spring plant sale
Giving Tuesday